Student suspended for threatening Muslim professor who claimed Crucifixion is a joke (photos)

- Student kicked out of school after he allegedly threatened his Muslim professor. The Christian student was annoyed by the professor's remarks on Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

 - The sophomore, however, denied issuing any threats to his professor over her alleged 'anti-Christian' teachings

 -The professor also allegedly failed to victimize a Muslim student who said homosexuals should be decapitated under Sharia law.

 A Christian student has been suspended for allegedly threatening his Muslim professor over alleged 'anti-Christian' teachings in class. gathered that a sophomore, Marshall Polston, was kicked out of Florida's Rollins College for sharply disagreeing with his Middle Eastern humanities professor who reportedly remarked that the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ was a hoax. 

However, Polston has denied that he did not issue any threats to Professor Areej Zufari. He says he is being treated unfairly for taking on the Muslim professor over her anti-Christian teachings in class and also allegedly not challenging or victimising another student who said homosexuals should be decapitated under Sharia law. 

An email written to the school by Professor Zufari notes that Polston occasionally disrupted her classes with 'antagonising interjections' while contradicting her and monopolising class time. 

"His attitude is contemptuous," the professor claimed.

Polston, on his part, claimed that Professor Zufari's unorthodox teachings were disturbing. 

"Zufari claimed Jesus' crucifixion was a hoax and that his disciples didn't believe he is God," Polston told local news channel during an interview following his explosive suspension. 

Following a spate of classroom spats between Sophomore Polston and Professor Zufari, the school officials decided to intervene before things could get out of hand. The matter was fairly addressed.

 "Polston's behavior improved over the next few weeks," said Professor Zufari. 

However, the acrimonious exchange reportedly erupted again on March 8, when Professor Zufari gave Polston 52 per cent in his first essay. 

According to Professor Zufari , Polston's reaction after receiving his result came at no surprise. But it got her more concerned about the student. He allegedly lashed out at her in a long email a day after the result was out. 

"Since you've decided to carry a blitzkrieg out against me, I may have to speak up in regards to your extreme bias and not necessarily to the class but to the dean. Quite frankly the grade you assigned to me exposes your true agenda, which is to silence me in class.'You're one of the most incompetent professors I have ever seen in my life," Polston lamented in his email. He allegedly went as far as threatening to take legal action or contact the professor's national media celebrity friends. According to the sophomore, this was not in any way a threat. "I was upset, understandably. I've never gotten anything less than straight A's, so I was really interested in figuring out how to possibly improve or at least understand the grade," he said. 

After receiving the email, Professor Zufari says, she got disturbed. She cancelled her class the next day, and sent an associate dean to dismiss the students. The dean spotted Polston and initiated dialogue with him with regard to the issues he had with Professor Zufari. The dean reportedly left troubled and immediately penned a letter to the school's assistant vice president of safety. In the letter, he said Polston talked about a gun several times during their conversation. "At no point did he threaten anyone openly, but I was very uncomfortable by his continued reference to guns, generalised categories of people by religion and his obvious nervousness and disdain for the professor," the dean wrote.

Meanwhile, Professor Zufari was getting a bit unsettled by the student's hatred against her . "This one is spewing hatred at me, derailing class, and just sent me a hateful email threatening me. The hate speech in the email would not be tolerated if it was targeting other minorities. So, what are my rights? This guy is making my life hell (I am very afraid of this guy.) And this situation is directly interfering with my ability to do my job," the professor lamented in her Facebook message." She returned to class though, hoping that things will change. But things did not change. The quarrel between Polston and his teacher continued and more people got involved in the crossfire. Polston was eventually banned from returning to class, but Zufari claims he still walked by her meetings, forcing her to file a report with the police. She accused him of stalking her with intent to cause harm. The student was in the end suspended from college after a disciplinary hearing

Commenting on the suspension, Rollins President Grant Cornwell said the school wound never ever suspend any student simply because of disagreeing with a professor. There were other factors that precipitated Polston's suspension. 

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